Function Reference


Trims all elements in an array a certain number of characters.

#include <Array.au3>
_ArrayTrim ( $aArray, $iTrimNum [, $iTrimDirection [, $iBase [, $iUbound ]]] )



$aArray The array to trim the items of.
$iTrimNum The amount of characters to trim.
$iTrimDirection Optional: Default=0. 0 to trim left, 1 to trim right
$iBase Optional: Start Array index for sort, normally set to 0 or 1.
$iUbound Optional: Set the UBound for trimming which will only trim the defined number of entries instead of the whole array.


Return Value

Success: Returns the new trimmed array.
Failure: Returns the array unchanged.
@Error: 0 = No error.
1 = If invalid array
2 = Invalid base boundry parameter
3 = Invalid end boundry parameter
4 = If $iTrimDirection is not a zero or a one









#include <Array.au3>

Dim $avArray[5]
$avArray[0] = "ab"
$avArray[1] = "bc"
$avArray[2] = "cd"
$avArray[3] = "de"
$avArray[4] = "ef"

$aNewArray = _ArrayTrim( $avArray, 1, 1,1,3)
_ArrayDisplay($aNewArray,"demo _ArrayTrim")

;The new array in order should now be "a", "b" , "c" , "d", "e".